Rolled Ice Cream/ Curly Cream-Daytona Beach,FL

Ron and I finally tried rolled ice cream! We went to Curly Cream in Daytona Beach, Fl and it was phenomenal. Rolled ice cream has a different consistency than soft serve. We started by picking which base we wanted (Vanilla or Chocolate) and then we chose what else we wanted in our ice cream. Ron and I both chose vanilla with strawberries. Next, we watched the process of our ice cream being created!

The process started by pouring the vanilla cream onto the cold surface. Then, strawberries were added, chopped, and everything was mixed together. After that, we watched as the ice cream mixture was spread out in an even and flat layer.

Then, the best part of all, the rolling process! The person making the ice cream begins rolling the ice cream into little rolls and puts them into a bowl. After the ice cream is all in the bowl, you can choose three toppings. I chose chocolate drizzle and crushed order. Ron chose sprinkles, white chocolate sauce, and crushed oreos. 

The Curly Cream staff was all so friendly and helpful. We enjoyed our time here and both noticed how clean the building was. There was nothing to be seen on the floor or any of the tables. We were impressed! 

If you’re in the Daytona Beach area, be sure to check out Curly Cream! If not, try rolled ice cream wherever you can find it near you! 

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